
Monday 2 April 2012

Are Combination Pills Effective?

Oral contraception has become a popular method of contraception amongst women wanting to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Combination pills, a category of contraceptive pills, consisting of both female hormones of oestrogen and progestogen, have been found to be quite effective. The Yasmin pill is one of the most popular and sought after combined pills. This pill is almost 100% effective in preventing a woman from becoming pregnant. It consists of ethinylestradiol and drospirenone, synthetic oestrogen and progestogen respectively. You are to take this pill for 21 days of your menstrual cycle.

Microgynon is another of the popular combined pills used by women. This pill is also almost 100% effective in preventing women from falling pregnant. This pill works in three different ways: it prevents ovulation to stop the release of an egg from the ovaries; thickens the cervical mucus to make entry of a sperm difficult; and alters womb lining to prevent an egg from growing. Microgynon is also to be taken for 21 days of your menstrual cycle. A break of seven days is then to be taken, during which you are most likely to have your periods.

Femodette is also a popular combined pill. It is composed of ethinylestradiol and gestodene, synthetic oestrogen and progestogen respectively. The synthetic progestogen, gestodene, is a third generation progestogen, which is considered to be safer than the second generation progestogen, generally present in the other combined pills. Femodette is also almost 100% effective in preventing you from conceiving. You can buy the Yasmin pill and other contraceptive pills online or on prescription after consulting your doctor.