
Monday 28 May 2012

Benefits And Important Points To Note Of Sunya

Sunya is a popular combined pill used by women for the purpose of preventing conception. This pill consists of ethinylestradiol and gestodene as its chief ingredients, which are synthetic versions of oestrogen and progestogen respectively. The benefits of this medication that most women experience with Sunya 20/75 include the following:
  • Low risk of developing side effects
  • Reduction in excess body hair or hirsutism
  • Improvement in PMS symptoms
  • Reduces the risks of you developing cancers of the ovaries and endometrium
  • Improvement in the skin condition acne
As beneficial as Sunya is, there are certain important points you should remember about the pill before and while you are using the it. The important points to be noted are as mentioned below:
  • Sunya 20/75 is can provide you with immediate protection against pregnancy if taken on the very first day of your periods
  • If the pill started any day after the first day to the fifth day of your periods, you may be required to use an additional method of contraception
  • Sunya should only be taken by women who are 18 years of age or older
  • Women, who are pregnant or are breastfeeding, should avoid this pill
  • If you are suffering from health problems such as diabetes, benign liver tumours, hypertension or blood clots you should not use this pill
  • This contraceptive pill may also not be recommended for your use if you have circulation problems, are intolerant of lactose or have a history of pancreatic problems

Monday 21 May 2012

Norimin Contraceptive Pill For Effective Contraception

Norimin is a contraceptive pill, which has been proven to be almost 100% effective in preventing a woman from falling pregnant. This hormonal pill belongs to the category of combined contraceptive pills, which consist of both the female hormones in synthetic forms. The two female hormones that play an important part in allowing you to conceive are oestrogen and progestogen. This combined pill alters the hormonal levels in your body by adding a supply of synthetic versions of these two hormones to prevent you from conceiving.

The two synthetic hormones present in Norimin pill are ethinylestradiol, synthetic oestrogen, and norethisterone, synthetic progestogen. These two hormones work in three different ways that alter your natural cycle and prevent you from conceiving. First, it prevents the process of ovulation itself, not allowing the release of an egg. Second, it thickens the cervical mucus, making it difficult for a sperm to travel through your vagina to the womb in order to fertilise an egg. This further prevents the fertilisation of an egg.

Finally, Norimin pill does not allow the thickening of the womb lining, which helps in preventing an egg from implanting and growing further. This is a 21 day pill, at the end of which you are to take a break of seven days before starting a new pack. Women using this pill get the benefit of enjoying sex, without needing to take precautionary measures directly before intercourse. Some women have also experienced lighter and less painful periods with Norimin pill.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

IUD - Information On Intrauterine Device

Contraception is an important subject for women, as it helps them to avoid unplanned pregnancy. Several contraceptive methods have been used to date in an attempt to provide the most effective contraceptive measures for women. IUD and IUS are some examples of hormonal contraceptive methods. The IUD is an intrauterine device, which is placed inside your womb in order to protect you against pregnancy. In the 1960s, this device imitated the shape of a coil or a loop, which is why it was commonly referred to as 'the coil/loop'. However, IUD is now available in the form of a 'T' shaped device, to be fitted into your womb.

Benefits of an IUD

The major benefit of this contraceptive device is that it provides you with immediate protection against pregnancy. It remains effective for a longer period of time, between five and ten years, without you having to do anything. It is reassuring as it does not cause any hindrance to your monthly periods. Unlike other contraceptives such as hormonal contraceptives, medications and health problems have very little effect on the effectiveness of this intrauterine device. Your fertility is restored immediately after the device is removed from your womb. It also lowers the risk of side effects as it does not use hormones for preventing pregnancy.

The coil – a type of IUD

The coil is a type of this contraceptive device which is inserted into a woman's womb. Earlier, as mentioned above, it was referred to as the coil because of its shape, but the modern name for this device is 'the copper T', simply because it is 'T' shaped and contains copper. This IUD used copper as its chief ingredient in order to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. Women who are looking for long term protection against pregnancy usually prefer this method. The device remains active immediately after its placement and stops working as soon as it is removed from your womb.

Using and working of the coil

Women who wish to use this contraceptive device need to get the device placed by a doctor or a nurse. The placing of the IUD device usually takes around 15 to 20 minutes. The intrauterine device works in three different ways to prevent you from being pregnant. First, it does not allow the sperm entering your vagina to enter your womb. Second, it further prevents this by thickening the cervical mucus, creating a barrier for the sperm. Finally, it alters the womb lining, making it difficult for a fertilised egg to implant itself and grow further.

Side effects of the coil

This intrauterine device usually does not cause any side effects in women as it uses copper instead of synthetic hormones to prevent pregnancy. However, if you do experience side effects, they may include heavy periods, longer periods and more painful periods. It is, though, believed that these side effects subside as your body gets used to the presence of the device in your body, adding an appealing factor to the device.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Femodene Can Regulate Your Period

It is a well-known fact that the contraceptive pill, otherwise known as the birth control pill, is taken by millions of women around the world to prevent accidental pregnancy. However, recently it has been observed that these pills also have additional benefits to offer you in the form of regulating your periods, treating acne, making periods less painful, improving appearance of skin and many more. The contraceptive pill works against pregnancy by over-riding your menstrual cycle so that you are temporarily unable to conceive.

Femodene is a popular combination pill. A combined contraceptive pill indicates that it consists of synthetic versions of female sex hormones known as oestrogen and progestogen. It contains a ‘third generation’ synthetic progestogen which is considered safer than second generation pills. It works in three effective ways to prevent pregnancy. Firstly, it stops ovulation due to which no egg is released from the ovaries. Secondly, it thickens the cervical mucus so that it becomes difficult for a sperm to penetrate the womb. Lastly, it cause the thinning of the womb lining in such a way that an egg is unable to implant itself and develop there.

Femodene is considered to be almost 100% effective in working against pregnancy and also helps in making your periods more regular, less painful, decreases mood swings and improves PMS symptoms. This contraceptive pill should be taken for 21 days in a row, followed by a break of seven days.